You may be entitled to income replacement benefits if, following your automobile accident, you are unable to resume your employment or to hold the employment determined by the SAAQ.
Return to work following a road accident
It often happens that the SAAQ determines suitable employment for you, which leaves you with only a small amount of income replacement indemnity.
To determine suitable employment, this provincial agency looks at, among other things:
- Whether you can do this job full-time or part-time;
- Your education and work experience;
- Your intellectual physical abilities at the time of the accident;
- The gross income you had before the accident.
On the other hand, it may be that the SAAQ determines for you an inadequate job or has made calculation errors in establishing the indemnities to be paid to you. It’s important to challenge these decisions because they can have a significant impact for the rest of your life. An experienced lawyer against the SAAQ can help you effectively.
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End of income replacement indemnity
After a while, the Société d assurance automobile du Québec will stop paying you your income replacement indemnity, since it will consider you fit to return to work.
How will you react, then, when you receive a letter that declares you fit to return to work and cuts your benefits, when you are not really?
There is a good chance that you will be overwhelmed with immense distress, because justice is not always fast. In addition, during this time, you must continue to pay your rent, food, as well as other expenses necessary for life.
Many people return to work despite difficulties or find another job, being unable to do the job they previously held.
Don’t accept any decision without a fight. A good counter-expertise can refute the SAAQ’s evidence. Take the lead if you are already receiving income replacement benefits by setting aside some of your money to cover the costs of expertise and to be able to continue to survive during the legal proceedings.
Our firm can help you challenge each of the SAAQ’s decisions that cause you harm and preserve your rights.
Contact us now for a free initial consultation in the event of a dispute.
The SAAQ file
- Consolidation and road accident
- Request for reimbursement from the SAAQ
- Compensation for bodily injury
- Compensation for psychological damage
- Return to work after a road accident
- Compensation file at the SAAQ step by step